A review by polyhy_14
Restoration by Rose Tremain


Robert Merivel is a profligate young man and quintessential silly ass. When he captures the attention and friendship of Charles II he finds himself in possession of wealth and position beyond his wildest imaginings. However, along with this come certain responsibilities and when he oversteps the boundaries, his fall from grace is rapid and extreme.

To use the first person to tell a story has its limitations, but in this context it's a perfect tool to convey the growing awareness and development of Merivel's character. The journey is never straightforward but the ending is ultimately satisfying. I'm reminded of T S Eliot's words: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

Beautifully told, rich in both humour and pathos with interesting facts about the life and times of the Restoration period in English history. Recommended.