A review by renpuspita
Down and Dirty by Sandra Hill


Re-read, for the 3rd time *g*

Sandra Hill is just a few author who can mix humor and erotica well. Well, at last Viking Series not too erotic. Just at mild level, or steamy. The strength of her books is her capability to make reader laughs so hard, until their stomach hurt. And, that include me too...

Down and Dirty is 7th book of Viking Series 2. Featuring Viking hero/heroine who go a-Viking, correct, go time travel, from their medieval era to Modern America. Down and Dirty take place 2 years after the event at "Rough and Ready" (the 6th book) and featured Zachary Floyd, better known as Pretty Boy, and Britta Asadotir, or Britta the Big (no kidding, she really BIG, and well muscled, for a woman). Even this book is the 7th, its can be read stand alone, but better reader read the previous books, to know Pretty Boy and Britta's past relationship..

At Rough and Ready, Pretty Boy, who really have pretty face, meet Britta Asadottir, when he time travel back to Viking's Dark Age. He who always chased by woman, intrigued by Britta and chase her. Lucky (or unlucky?) for him, Britta always resist him. And after he left her and back to his time (present), his feeling to Britta always nag him, until 2 years later...

Zach (or Pretty Boy, I will use Zach for the next), found that he have a son! He never suspected, his affair with one of terrorist leader's daughter, will make him face his biggest problem ever, a child. His child, Samir Arsallah, or Samir Floyd, better known as Sammy the Snot, is really a copy of Dennis The Menace, just worse!. Zach then pray, if Britta was here, at his side, maybe she can babysit Sammy and maybe Zach can erase his nagging feeling to her...

Be careful with what you wish for, because Britta really, really travel back to modern America!! Britta who want to avoid his father evil's plan, want to marry her to his chosen jarl (or Viking lord), decide to fake her death by become demented people and fall from the cliff. But she surprised, when she suspect she already dead, she landed to SEALs's trainee field..

Wait, that's seal, sea dog! This one is SEALs..

And, destiny make her meet Zack-hairy (Zach is part of SEALs too) who she believe, had already ruin her for other men. In the other side, Britta believe, her time travel to present era, is to prepare her to face her father evil plan.So she willing to join WEALs (women version of SEALs) training, even the training so hard and left her battered, even Zach said to her to ring-out , or left the training. While she adjust herself with present culture, she must face Zach's seduction games, and more surprising, Britta who always see herself as warrior, believe she doesn't have maternal instinct, become care to Sammy, Zach's son. And Sammy want her as his mother too.

But Sammy's grandad, Arsalah, plan to kidnap Sammy and declare a war with America. When he success abduct Sammy and Britta too, Britta do her best to free Sammy, but get shot. When she open her eyes, she found herself travel back to her era, Viking's dark age!! And Zach who believe she already dead, move to Alaska and leave SEALs, because he can't endangered his son more. Separated almost 1000 years, can Britta and Zach finally united again?

Like I said at early part of review, Sandra Hill always make her readers laugh so hard. Yes, the story is silly, yes some part is like "out of this world" or unbelievable, but reader will love her books, because her capability to make a humorous story. And we will love all her characters, because they not try to be cool, they all funny, or like all Viking said, demented. Zach himself is adorable, and narciss. With his pretty face, blue eyes, blonde hair, he know women always chase him, but he meet his downfall at Britta. Britta not like an average woman. She really tall (6ft), muscled, and tomboy, not woman like,even she's not too pretty, she have a gorgeous appearance with her nearly silver hair, make her like Valkyrie. But still Zach attracted to her, like bug to a flower full of honey. Their bantered really make me laugh so hard, Zach with his cocky attitude and Britta who is clueless about present culture.Zach's family is one really funny part of this book. All of them is more than "normal", until Zach believe only he who is "normal". But as dystinctfunctional as them was, they always support Zach when he believe Britta already dead.

One point again, Sandra Hill sure can make a steamy, hot, and sensual sex scene.Woo boy, you will fan yourself when read it. But then you will laugh too, because still she include some humor at that scene.

My cast for Pretty Boy, Gabriel Aubry :

Definitely preeeettyyyy.... Forget he doesn't have blue eyes, like Zach.He can use color lens.

Read Sandra Hill's book like eating Bonbon, or popcorn. Easy to eat, but make you addicted. Like this book, fun, light, no need to thinking, but always drawn you to read and read it again.

So what you're waiting for? If you don't have, buy it ASAP.If this one at your mountzilla TBR, pick it! Search a comfortable place, open the page and.. just enjoy the show.