A review by msthienkim
The Boy Who Stole the Leopard's Spots by Tamar Myers


I’m on vacation working on my summer reading list. I read most of The Boy Who Stole the Leopard’s Spots by Tamar Myers on my flight to Louisiana last week. I’m really glad I took print copies of books to read on the plane. There’s usually 10-20 minutes before take off and landing when no electronics are allowed. That’s about 20-40 minutes I wouldn’t be able to read on my e-reader or phone. I don’t know about you all, but I can read a lot in 20 minutes.

So instead of napping on my flights, I read. I probably should have napped but I was enthralled by Myer’s description of the 1950s Belgian Congo. Her descriptions were lush and painted a vivid picture of the wildlife. I could practically feel the heat and humidity as her characters suffered during Suicide Month, the hottest month of the year.

Read the rest of my review here: http://www.fromlefttowrite.com/book-review-the-boy-who-stole-the-leopards-spots/