A review by kamisha
The Sorrows by Jonathan Janz


This was my first Jonathan Janz book and it definitely will not be my last! I love the horror genre, but honestly before recently hadn‰ŰŞt ventured too far into horror books rather than just horror movies, and what a great intro!

The Sorrows reads like you are watching a really well done horror movie. You‰ŰŞre scared, unsettled and hoping for vengeance in equal measure throughout the story! Janz‰ŰŞs writing really sucked me in and had me consistently coming back to the story for more. I loved that the book never felt like it lagged in any place and every character‰ŰŞs story added more content to the overall plot. The overall sinister feel of the island was present in every single scene. I really enjoyed how subtly Janz was able to add a creepiness or uneasiness to scenes without being overtly horrific, especially at first.

Another great aspect of this book for me was how well Janz writes his characters. Some I really enjoyed, some were mediocre because they were supposed to be mediocre, and some I could not wait until they reached their bitter ends! One of the terrifying and fascinating aspects of the island was that it played off of each character‰ŰŞs flaws, mistakes and worst fears. So, not only does the reader get to ultimately see what supernatural monster haunts the island, but we also get to see how far seemingly normal people can go when their most monstrous tendencies are brought to the forefront.

I had so much fun reading this and will definitely be checking out more of his work!