A review by thebooktrail88
Operation Goodwood by Sara Sheridan


Booktrail the locations in the novel here -Operation Goodwood

Whatever you do, don’t let the theme of car racing put you off! I am not a fan but this was fascinating to read about as it was exciting, it gave an impression of what it must have been like in the 1950s when cars were relatively new and car racing was a big deal. Mentions of figures such as Stirling Moss etc really increased the immersion into this world for that’s how it came across – a world I knew nothing of but it made for a really unique angle for a murder mystery!

Sara has now written a few novels in this series and each one is very different but they all have that sense of fun to them – they are about murder and serious crime at that but Sara’s writing for me managed to imbue character and charm into them. I really get a sense of how she’s enjoyed researching and writing the best she can. She creates scenes – the car racing ones were very visual and I would love to see these on the big screen as they would work in so many ways.

Operation Goodwood has so many layers to it that there’s a lot to it despite it being an easy read. The glamour of Brighton and the motor racing world really gave it that unique edge. Now I want to buy a vintage car and ride it with the top down and my hair floating out behind me

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