A review by lattelibrarian
Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves and Other Female Villains by Jane Yolen, Heidi E.Y. Stemple


With a fun tongue-in-cheek tone and lovely illustrations, Bad Girls makes for a short and sweet introduction to many of history's bad women.  From Jezebel and Delilah to Bonnie Parker and Lizzie Borden, Yolen and Stemple give a brief overview of many women from different cultures and just what made them so bad.  Was it they themselves, or was it the way that society has constructed their stories?  

Between each woman is a short comic depicting our two authors discussing the pros and cons of each woman, asking the reader to consider their own perspective and give their own judgement to each subject.  Evil, or not?  

Each woman is well-cited and the tone is pretty conversational--perfect for getting and holding attention.  Overall, a nice, quick read that might make readers want to learn more!

Review cross-listed here!