A review by rpmiller
The Greek Plays: Sixteen Plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides by Mary Lefkowitz


These 16 plays constitute half of the surviving dram manuscripts from ancient Greece. All were from the 5th century BCE. No other complete plays are in existence beyond these 32, while the Iliad and Odyssey are much earlier, although perhaps not in original form, and later Greek literature did not survive except as fragmentary texts. Much is known, still, from reference in later texts, mostly Roman. Anyway, this was an excellent selection that included introductory material regarding the author and each play. Three authors are represented here and the plays of Aeschylus include a complete trilogy which is how the tragedies were performed in the Athens theater in an annual competition, at least at that time, the competition also included a short comedy from each author, as a kind of interlude between competitors. The book has extensive notes on translations, missing and replacement text, and background details, as well as six appendixes to help a modern reader understand the plays in the way ancient Athenians did.

I should point out that I have read Homer's works many times, and a few of the plays years ago, and various literary an video adaptions over the years and recently read a very contemporary novel "Elektra". In comparison, each of the playwrights had a play called Elektra or, for Aeschylus, a trilogy about the same subject, although the three plays were all based on Orestes, Elektra's younger brother. The novel probably had a similar scope to Aeschylus' trilogy, while the detail on Elektra corresponded more closely with Euripides' version. An interesting aspect, for me, was how there were variations in detail among the Greeks. Another example of variation was Euripides' "Helen" which presents an alternative history of Hellen's adventure. Finally, in "Bacchae", Euripides seems to have had a premonition of the 1960's "tune in, turn on and drop out" cultural phenomena.

It is well worth the effort to read and understand these important examples of ancient literature.