A review by jsimms435
Unwinding Anxiety by Judson Brewer


A lot of Dr.Judson Brewer's ideas sound very similar to CBT triangle. He talks more about habit loops than he does anxiety, but notes that anxiety can also be a habit. He has an app for stopping smoking and weight loss and promotes that throughout the book as well. What I mean by saying it is similar to the CBT triangle is that the habits we get into are loops. CBT triangle shows the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors and the habit loop that Brewer describes does the same thing. They are both cyclical.
I like how he talks a lot about curiosity and how beating ourselves up over failures doesn't help. As a therapist I have told clients that often. Also he talks about the body and mind feedback loop which sounds much like what DBT calls practicing "opposite actions". They may go by different terms, but it is very much the same. It was helpful for me to think about how many behaviors can be habits. And how anxiety can be a habit because it makes us feel like we are doing something.