A review by elcanaldevenecia
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


Maven I believed in you, I loved you and you betrayed me! How could you? You had more points in my love charts an Cal and now I'm left alone and running for my life!
Shade bro! You survived!!! I'm so happy for you, we are equals!
Kilorn! Please let ,e save you because you are always there and I need you.
Farley! Please let Cal live, he could be a very good element in our team!
Cal! Jess, I don't know how to feel anymore about you. I'm disappointed but also heartbroken. Maybe I need to recover, and then I can be available.
Luke! Please forgive me I needed to rescue my friends, if I could I would have died for you. I'm sorry

This was AWESOME! Of course I did suspect of Maven but I was truly disappointed that he did everything I thought he would. Any ways this 'review' was an experiment and I love it how it turned.
Victoria thanks for this amazing story!