A review by crazychriss93
Easy to Love You by Megan Smith


This book is so full of secrets that it was soo annoying in the end.
In the previous one, MacKenzie was involved in an accident. Now she’s fighting for her life while Hunter is on his own as a single dad.
Hunter and the baby? Cute!! He’s such a great dad and I loved every scenes with those two in them. I love that he is so worried but still caring.

Well, when MacKenzie wakes up, she is faced with the real world again, including the accident, the one who ran her off the street, a baby, a nurse who is clearly into her husband (I’m glad about this substory cause CC and Hunter deal well with her :D), a freaky man and a lot of secrets.
So, I was disappointed with:
- CC’s first reaction to her son. I just couldn’t understand her reasoning. I mean, what was going on?
- I cannot believe that she doesn’t tell the police what happened during the accident. Where is her inner mama bear? This bitch tried to kill her baby!
- I can’t believe she is so insecure about her body. I mean, she should be glad that she is alive, that her baby is alive, that she can even have a baby… And why isn’t she breastfeeding??
- That was that about CC. Now let’s talk about Hunter.
- Jason appears and what does CC’s family do? What does Hunter do? They totally try to shield her. Cause they don’t want her to worry. Well, guys, guess again! She should worry! I mean, this creep keeps calling, this creep is a threat! Hunter’s way of protecting his family by keeping all of this a secret is crappy. When you don’t know who is a threat, how can you protect yourself from it?
- Kissing as a distraction? Only works in movies and apparently romance books.
- Hunter is such a jerk. After secret one is out, he is still a pussy and doesn’t open up to CC. I can totally understand that she doesn’t want to see him anymore. I mean, WTH.
- They just had a baby. And now again sex without protection? I mean, guys, talk about irresponsibility…
- And then the shit Hunter pulls? Drink & drive?? Being reckless sure won’t help his case…
And don’t even get me started on her family. I mean, come on, the guys all knew but the sweet little precious daughter didn’t? I mean, wow, ever heard of feminism? There is just so much shit going on, it’s unbelievable.

Concerning the writing style, I love 2 POVs but this time it was at times hard to follow since there was sometimes CC’s POV with all the happenings on Thursday and then Hunter’s POV from what happened the day before. Sometimes chronology isn’t so bad.

Yeah, but all in all, I kinda still liked this book. I was in tears at times :D