A review by rotellareads
Wild Steamy Hook-Up by Piper Rayne


Dom was easily my favorite Mancini brother in the series up to this point, so I had high expectations for his book. He was such a secretive and brooding character, I was desperate to find out exactly what his deal was!

I really liked Val, the heroine. She had a really sweet demeanor and was driven and caring. You could tell she had true and deep feelings for Dom from the get-go. There was nothing about her character that I didn't like. She was safe. Maybe a little too safe.

I loved this couple together. They were a moth and a flame. But their history kept them at arm's length when it came to the reality of their feelings for one another. It was endearing the first time they denied their emotions but after about the 10th time, I lost interest. Dom and Val just seemed to be stuck in this vicious cycle of denial and hurting one another. Even a drunken marriage in Vegas couldn't save them from their self destructive behavior. It seemed like the entire read they were both fighting what was right in front of their faces. Their friends and family saw it plain as day and wanted to smack them both in the back of the head for being so blind.

I enjoyed the book. I loved the steamy romance. I liked the slow burn to a point. I adored the Italian family butting in and providing unnecessary commentary but also loving support. But there was just something missing. It seemed like the same scenario kept repeating over and over and brought nothing new to the story. The ending was satisfying and made me feel good about sticking with the read and finishing it. I rated Wild Steamy Hook-Up 4 stars because it had it's moments of amazingness but overall was lacking something to keep me vested and craving more from Dom and Val. The potential for explosives were there but fizzled out.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author or their PR company.