A review by vaderetro
1632 by Eric Flint


By God, this book made me write my first review ever here on Goodreads.
They tell that a good book will make you to want to live in it. To meet the heroes in flesh and bones. To laugh and cry with them.
Well, they are DEADLY wrong. A really terrible book like this one achieves the same. Only that you are crying in anguish and laughing at the author. Like a madman. Like a madman in awful pain.
And the characters....the characters really suck (yes, big time) you into the clumsily built and unresearched world. One really wants to be there. In truth, one NEEDS to be there. Because one wants to vanish each one and very last of them. Yes, the good, the bad, the ugly and every other stereotypical bastard one can find in this "novel".