A review by dantastic
Y: The Last Man, Vol. 8: Kimono Dragons by Brian K. Vaughan


In this chronicle of the last man on earth, or is he?, Yorick and the gang go to Japan to find Ampersand. Lots of people die, more of Dr. Mann's origin is revealed, and more of the final pieces are put on the board.

Kimono Dragons moved things forward more than the last volume but I still feel like BKV is pumping the brakes a bit. With only two volumes left, I expect the shit to start hitting the fan at a rapid pace.

The last time I read these trades, I was reading them as they were released. Now that I'm wolfing them down like a surprisingly thin guy at an eating contest, it's easier to see all the groundwork laid early on and the character development every issue along the way to the end. This really is a great series.