A review by troystory
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart


Every once in a while, you read a book that you know will never leave you. Its story haunts you long after you turn the last page; its words echo in your kind, lingering even when you move on to another book. Because there are some books you can't ever really move on from. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I'd even like we were liars when I first got it. But I'd heard good reviews and the summary seemed interesting enough, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm not much of a mystery person. But what's the worst that could happen? I clearly didn't imagine the absolute heartbreak that would accompany this book, or the way it makes you hold your breath as you wait, tensely and with a pounding heart, to find out the truth. You know the secrets are horrible, but you can never begin to think just how bad.

I can't praise this book enough. It's truly a masterpiece of mystery, an actually suspenseful thriller that kept me engaged the whole way through. It wasn't predictable. Every time I thought I knew which way it was heading, it suddenly changed direction. The writing is raw and beautiful and clever in an effortless, magical kind of way. I'm usually not a fan of books written in first person because the main characters tend to be... Not enjoyable, and these books are often written way too formally for the perspective to be believable, but Lockhart does it so, so well. Cadence is one of the first truly relatable, realistic and unforgettable protagonists I've seen in a very long time.

I think everyone should give this book a try. Read it at least once. And I promise, you'll want to read it again the second you finish it.