A review by caseroo7
Fly with Me by Chanel Cleeton


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I couldn't wait to read Fly With Me by Chanel Cleeton after I first saw the cover and blurb. This one had so much that drew me in, and I just love military romance stories. There is just something irresistibly sexy about a man in uniform. This book was so good, and I couldn't put it down. I am already excited for the next book in this series, and I cannot wait to read more about these sexy fighter pilots!

While in Vegas for her little sister's bachelorette party, the last thing that Jordan expects is to meet a guy. She has a great life and owns a successful clothing business with her best friend. But the second she lays eyes on Noah Miller, it just reinforces the fact that she doesn't have love. Noah was in Vegas for work, but as soon as he saw Jordan he knew he would stop at nothing to make her his. But when it is time for them to leave and return to their homes (his in Oklahoma and hers in Florida), both of them want to see where things between them go and are willing to take a chance on a long distance relationship. But with not only distance between them, but also Noah's dangerous job, can they possibly find a way to make something work?

I really loved both Noah and Jordan. These two were amazing together right from the start, with such strong chemistry between them. The sparks were flying from the second they laid eyes on each other and I couldn't get enough of them. I really loved that they were so open with each other though, and even though things were new for them they were able to talk to each other about all that they were going through. These two had so much that could stand in their way, so it was so refreshing to see such great communication between them. Noah was sexy and confident, and so passionate about his job and Jordan. Jordan was smart and sweet, and I loved how strong she was. She was so different than other heroines I have read before, and it was nice to see a woman that could miss her man without turning into a whiny and annoying brat. I just really loved both of these characters so much, and I had such a great time reading this book.

Not only did I love Jordan and Noah, but I also loved the secondary characters as well. I am so excited to get to know these guys better as the series progresses and I am looking forward to Thor's book next. I have to say that I was really hoping for Easy's book after reading Fly With Me, but after everything that happened here I can see that it might take awhile to get his book. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long though, as I know there is so much more to his character and I cannot wait to see beneath the surface with him. I will say that this one would have been a five star read for me had it not been for the ending. It was rushed and really abrupt feeling, and while it was nice I just didn't feel like it did this story justice. It seemed as though the author just kind of ran out of steam and ended the book, and I would have loved to have been given a bit more. Knowing that the series will continue with interconnected characters, I am hoping we get to see more of Noah and Jordan. But I felt like even though things ended on a good spot here that there were still several things kind of up in the air that I would have liked to have seen dealt with. Overall though, this was a really good story and I had a great time reading it. I definitely recommend it, and I can't wait for the next one.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**