A review by tallyhotel
Silver Savage by LS Anders, Iona Strom


I absolutely LOVED this alien species. Muscular Elves with fangs, camouflage skin abilities, and FREAKING EARS THAT ROTATE TO SOUNDS?!?? I. can't. even. I'm done for. Stick a fork in me. The description of these aliens is HOT.

Now, these women are pseudo double abducted, because they get abducted and then "rescued". So they are at the mercy of the rescuers on an alien planet, and all is far from perfect. We never really figure out why they crashed in the first place, but there is a background plot going on here, so be patient, my guess is that it will unfold in subsequent books.

I really loved the story in this book. The heroine pretty much runs on piss and vinegar for the first half of the book (because she needs to!) and once she's able to mellow out, the rest of the women start to freak out on her. That's to be expected when one it abducted. Everyone reacts differently. The alien males are so nice and sweet to the women, and I'm curious to see if they are all Cinnamon Rollie, or if there is an Alpha tendency that can come through the fated-mate connection, also. I'm looking forward to the new release coming up!