A review by arryiae
The Runaway Queen by Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson


MEH... It was a bit boring. Though it has a more organized plot, the events were not as exciting and funny as the first one. I'm in the minority, I guess, when I say that I enjoyed the first one more.Drunk Magnus is always a pleasure to read about.

I did not feel the development of Axel and Magnus' relationship, I am not happy with Magnus' blue eyes, black hair thing. I know it's his type, I just feel like by having a certain type you don't get to give the other types a chance. It felt like he just liked the guy because he has blue eyes and black hair. Come on Magnus, you're better than that?!

I'm hoping the next stories will redeem the Adventures/stories/compilation/whatever you might call this type of publication, in my eyes. I am looking at you Edmund Herondale and James Herondale.