A review by tinynavajo
The Sumage Solution by Gail Carriger, G.L. Carriger


*Thanks to the author for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review*
*There is mlm and sex scenes. If this is not what you want to read, please turn back now*

Gail Carriger does it again, only now we're in the States, it's present time, and we're dealing with werewolves and shifters and magic galore! If you've read Marine Biology, the prequel to this particular story, then you have a general idea of what happens, only we're now focusing on Biff, the Beta for this new pack, as Max, a Sumage who has no idea why he was cursed/blessed with this newest pain in his ass...in more ways than one.

As Biff, this new Beta who is all muscle and sensitivity tries to figure out how to work out being gay as well as being in a new area, Max wonders what is it about this werewolf that is so completely different from any other man he's been out with. On top of all of this, Max's father's house is completely enchanted and now some nasty people wish to get inside. What to do? Well, for Biff and Max it's a lot of ups and downs.

I love that Gail Carriger is moving out of the Victorian Steampunk universe in such an amazing way, magic is explained scientifically, but it's still magic. The two main characters are wonderfully done, I believe them, I sympathize with them, I can see the area where they are, and I love even the secondary characters. I wish it was a little longer, but this is a novella, so short is the menu. While not my typical reading material, I still loved this book. So, in all regards, please pick it up if you love Gail Carriger's books and writings!