A review by small_giant_plans
The Complete Girls with Slingshots by Danielle Corsetto


I started reading Girls With Slingshots online not too long after it had come out, in 2004. I was in middle school and, upon reflection, probably too young to really be reading it. But I didn’t care. I loved these characters instantly. I loved how it grew and changed, how the circle of friends kept growing and expanding, I loved seeing everyone fall in love (CLARICE AND JOSHUA AHHH). I honestly got weepy just holding my copy of the books (which looks nothing like the art on here, for the record—they are much more beautiful). Hazel, Jamie and co. were much older than me when I began reading, but because they aged slowly and were also all over the place, life-wise, it truly felt like we grew up together. The strip ended in 2014, the year after I graduated college, and I was so happy to see Hazel finally making steps towards really growing as a person and following her dreams (much like I believed I was trying to do). I’m just so happy this whole collection exists, and I’m sure I will treasure it for years to come.