A review by 00leah00
Cure for Insomnia by Laina Villeneuve


3 Stars

“Cure for Insomnia” by Laina Villeneuve is the story of research scientist, Karla, finding the right balance for a happy life with her demanding work and love life.

This was a sweet and had some charming moments but it didn’t really work for me as a romance as it contained a few of my big dislikes.

My first issue was that it’s told in first person from Karla’s point of view for the whole story. I’m not a fan of this pov in romance as I find it difficult to connect to the pov of the character we don’t get to hear from. Along with this issue is that Remi, the love interest, doesn’t truly show up until after the 20% mark. Karla and Remi also don’t spend a lot of time together on the page after she finally shows up. They spend a good chunk of time texting or speaking on the phone that isn’t relayed so it was hard for me to get a feel for her character.

I also thought Karla got a little preachy about diabetes. I know she’s a scientist and is working on a drug for diabetics but I thought Villeneuve got a little heavy handed when Karla was working with a student she was mentoring.

What I did like was that the cast was racially diverse and the women were all intelligent and it was okay to be smart woman. I also enjoyed reading about women working in STEM. It doesn’t seem like there are many of those types of careers in lesfic so this was a refreshing change. I also liked how Villenueve didn’t brush Remi’s autistic brother under a rug and ignore him. He is a huge part of her life and I’m glad with how that was showcased.

Others have rated it higher so I would read those for a better idea if it’s a good fit.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bella Books in exchange for an honest review.