A review by kirchersmiles
If We Had No Winter by D.L. Pitchford


If We Had No Winter: A Slow Burn College Romance (Billie Dixon Book 1)

By D.L. Pitchford

5 Stars

I have so much to say about this book and have no idea where to begin. After reading the synopsis I was curious which is why I chose to read it, but I was worried I wouldn't be able to grab a hold of it after reading some of the reviews. Well, let me just say that not only did I grab a hold of it, I couldn't put it down. When it finished I think I actually yelled out loud..NO!! Then pulled her up on Amazon checking for a book 2, and find that its coming soon!! Thank goodness!

I will be first in line for the 2nd part of this story, the subtitle of this book contains the words Slow Burn and how very true that is, there was no major action scenes in this story, it was as real life as it gets, I seriously felt as though I was standing right next to Billie in this entire story, it didn't move fast, yet it moves smooth enough to make it feel like it did. The character development was AMAZING, I feel like I completely understood and know Billie personally. The only person in the book Id have liked a bit more history on is Xander, but I do believe there will be a lot more to come for his character, I loved Jimmy..His and Billie’s relationship was real and uncomplicated in my opinion, and I seriously hope there is a lot more to come for him as well. I have mixed feelings on the character of Zane, my emotions were all over the place with him and I found myself even mad at Billie sometimes where he is concerned.

I loved the storyline with Billie and her father, that hit home with me personally and feel that that was written beautifully! There was only one part of this whole book I had an issue with and that is only because it is something I have a problem with, but I will say it was handled in a way that I could accept and move on. This is my third book completed this year, and is definitely going to be in my favorites list of the year no matter what else I read, and not only will I be grabbing the second in this series but will be watching for any and everything this author writes.

Amazingly awesome!! I Loved Loved Loved it!!