A review by simply_sam
Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster


Well, she did it again guys. Ms. McMaster just keeps adding to the fun of her London Steampunk series. This story follows Lena and Will's "wrong side of the track" love story. You're introduced to them in Book 1, as Lena is the sister to the female protag and Will is the right-hand-manboy of the male lead. This story takes place 3 years after the first book, plenty of time for that initial interaction and attraction to simmer and brew.

Will is a gruff and surly verwulfen
who prowls the streets, or rooftops rather, of the Whitechapel rookery, cracking heads and maintaining order for the blueblood Blade (who is techinically a rogue-- an unauthorized blueblood, hence an outcast and not a true member of the aristocracy). This is the seedy district, the underbelly if you will, where society's rougher lot make their home. Blade is the de facto peacekeeper and protector of the area, and Will is the muscly man, er, verwulfen, at his side. Lena, a human, has left that chapter of her life behind and has now resumed her pampered lifestyle with the Echelon, hoping to land a wealthy blueblood protector. At least that's what Will believes. He hoped never to see Lena again, to let her live out her fancy life with her fancy dresses and fancy balls, but of course fate didn't get the memo, and even if she did she didn't give a flying flip what Will claims to have wanted. Fate does what fate will. So, naturally the two of them are thrust into a dicey situation together involving the blueblood aristocracy, a sect of humanists and mechs who want to at last have equal rights, and a tribe of verwulfen with which the blueblood aristocracy hope to finally ally with. All this political intrigue. Oh my! Not to mention those heated stares and illicit touches....

There's a lot of forbidden desire and angsty "I want to but I can't, but I need to, but I won't, but I can't help myself, but I really shouldn't" going on in this one. But Ms. McMaster has a way of sucking you in, and the world she has created is really pretty cool and interesting. I've read the first two books in the spin-off series (I know, I started bass akwards) and I love how she's developed and intertwined all of these characters. It's been a great hook and one that's going to keep me coming back for more.

Keep doing what you're doing and I'm going to keep reading the heck out of these books!