A review by jessica_
A God in the Shed by J-F. Dubeau

Did not finish book. Stopped at 53%.
I'm not going to force myself to finish this book when I have 0 investment.

I really like all the plot points that are happening in this book.... there are just too many things happening and no progress is being made towards any of them. It feels like the author had 5 awesome book ideas but instead of writing 5 amazing books he crammed them all into one story.

seriously there is a plot line about a serial killer, two cults, an altercation between said cults in the past (the son of one cult member is trying to figure out whats going on), the god randomly ending up stuck in a shed and found by a teenager, a necromancer and other cult members trying to gain power, a second serial killer, death in the family, there was a ghost/resurrection subplot happening when I quit as well as hints about a prophesy ....

and yes all these plot points play into each other but it doesn't feel like they are building upon each other to add depth and intrigue to the story, more like they are placed next to each other making the story feel shallow.

Personally- I would have preferred if the plot focused around three of the plot points, reduced the number of POV (because any book with over 5 POV just drags the pacing down), and really worked on fleshing out the characters and motivations instead of continuing to introduce new ideas/world building. Honestly, just reducing it down to 3 POV characters and cutting out anything not around them would have solved 99% of my issues with this book.

I'm still giving this book 3 stars as the ideas are great, the writing is good, and the imagery the perfect balance of disturbing and twisted.