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A review by athos
The Four Horsemen: The Conversation That Sparked an Atheist Revolution by Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel C. Dennett, Stephen Fry, Sam Harris


4/5. Although there are points that I don't agree with (which is natural, of course) and there are some points I don't understand (as I haven't researched nowhere near as in-depth as the Four Horsemen), I found this book to be really important and interesting.

Above all, the atheism advocated by the Four Horsemen is one of reason and science. This is not about judging people based on their faith (as you can have a moral and immoral Muslim, a moral and immoral atheist, it is subjective to the individual), but it is about tackling belief based on blind unsupported faith, and encouraging individuals to assess the world based on evidence and reason. It is about challenging the harmful aspects of religion: terrorism, conversion camps, misinformation and indoctrination and discrimination based on the teachings in scripture, to name a few.

Everyone has a right to their beliefs, and one should not be judged solely because of their faith. One should be judged based on if they advocate harmful and prejudiced beliefs, pedal misinformation and if they use faith as an excuse (or justification) of punishment and totalitarianism (I recommend YouTuber Darkmatter2525's channel and series "Power Corrupts").