A review by chewdigestbooks
Bad Therapist by Evan Wright


This man and these setups piss me off on many levels. I benefit greatly from the parity section of the ACA whereas before I seldom used my expensive insurance. I don't get sick, am awful with checkups, basically don't see the doctor or use the insurance except in this one area, my mental health. Before the Parity portion of ACA it was treated and paid like an also-ran, a luxury, unimportant, only a few visits were covered each year, I might as well not have not had insurance except for the fact that I was self-medicating, relying on a GP that just cannot be expected to know that brain as well too. or I would do stupid shit that landed me in the ER or Doctor's office because the main issue was not being treated. I even ended up in the ER because of a pill that the doctor told me to try and when I called to described the horrible side effects, he said just give it more time. After turning orange, have my gums, throat so swollen that I couldn't eat, and a high fever, I went anyway. I mean no offense when I say that it is not a General Practitioners job to mess anyone with a serious mental illness. They are called General for a reason. (as a side note it turns out he was giving me really strong medication for the wrong illness besides my obvious allergic reaction to it and there may have been kickbacks)

To hear that these men were working a system that now means so much too me, hurts people if not kills them and all of this fraud makes it an easy target to point at and say parity doesn't work angers and scares me.

Just as those with legitimate chronic pain cry out when measures are made to make their necessary medications harder to get because of the idiots that are abusing it, this is very similar, only to me it feels like it's on a larger, more organized RICO type scale.

Lastly, these poor addicts are getting absolutely no help and are sometimes being handed drugs at a place where they and their families were looking for help and cessation. How many more of these are out there?