A review by sparethebs
Like, Follow, Kill by Carissa Ann Lynch


Thank you Netgalley, Harper Impulse and Killer Reads and Carissa Ann Lynch for allowing me to read this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Camilla is a pill popping drunk who killed her husband in a car accident which also left her with horrific scars and lasting pains. As a result of the trauma, she has essentially become a recluse and her only communication is via social media. She has basically shut her only relative, a sister out of her life even though her sister insists on trying to help her.

Camilla found a old friend from her high school days and becomes a dedicated follower. Things become chaotic and dangerous when she becomes obsessed with Valerie and worries when she doesn't hear from her daily.

The writing style is like a crazy ride through Camilla's mind and views. Due to the trauma she suffered it triggered several mental illnesses. She has a hard time deciphering reality from illusion or memories. Mix that with alcohol and pain medication and it's a good formula for a book that kept me interested.