A review by mccorbin
Falling for the Groomsman by Diane Alberts


I have read other book by Diane Alberts and have absolutely adored them. Falling for the Groomsman was so close to that adore level but for some reason, I couldn’t quite feel like it hit the mark. Tyler was a great character; a doctor who traveled the world to help save people, someone how placed the world on his shoulders, and took the responsible road so that other around him could live life. He was smart, resourceful, possessive, and down right dirty at times; he was perfect.

I think it was Christine’s character that threw me off a bit. Granted, I felt like she had every right to ignore him after what happened in Mexico when they were younger but I think she played with getting him back for too long. There was a part in the book where they are alone, in the woods, and in that scene, I felt like Tyler really showed how much he cared for Christine (even though he didn’t say anything) and at that part, if I were her, I would have known that this is so much more than just a game now. That it is completely real and all bets are off. And she does however, this makes Christine more confused and she backs away. How could someone back away from Tyler?!

Alberts did set up a great relationship between Julie and Reed and I am excited to see how it all plays out with Tessa Bailey writing the continuation of these characters.