A review by tasmanian_bibliophile
Scarlet Rose by Julia Madeleine


I really enjoyed this black, bleak little debut novel. There are no spoilers in the review that follows.

Julia Madeleine has assembled an interesting cast of needy characters in a suitably dark setting. Enter the world of Fiona Dalton: where child becomes parent; where manipulation is currency; where nothing is quite what it seems and no-one is really who (or what) they appear to be.
One thing is certain: Fiona’s stepfather Charlie has been murdered. While who murdered him may seem clear early on (or does it?), unravelling why and how will take longer. What are the secrets in Fiona’s life and will her mother ever take responsibility?
While I found aspects of this story predictable, I was swept up by Ms Madeleine’s descriptive prose. I was engaged, enraged and sometimes outraged by her characters and kept turning the pages wondering exactly how this story would end. Well, the book came to an end but aspects of the story are still active in my imagination.