A review by arisbookcorner
Right as Rain by George Pelecanos


IQ "Don't think I didn't notice what you were getting at with your questions there. All that black-aggressor, white-guy, black-this, white-that bullshit. What happened that night, you can try and paint it any way you want if it makes you feel any better. But it had nothing to do with race.' (Quinn)
'Don't tell me,' said Strange. 'Don't tell me, 'cause I'm a black man, twenty-five years your senior, and I know.'" (79)

I need to stop trying to make Pelecanos happen. His novels are not for me. He's excellent at writing so that you get a sense of place and time but his depiction of race relations and women leave much to be desired. The interactions between Strange and Quinn were cringe-worthy, I'm not sure how Strange didn't smack him upside the head multiple times. Instead Strange spends much of his time rebuking Quinn constantly "Now you're gonna tell me, in general, what black men can and cannot deal with.'" (84) with little result. It's realistic that Quinn would be that dense but to me it doesn't make sense that Strange would continue to partner with him when he runs his own business and doesn't have to.