A review by saramhiatt2
Where She Went by Gayle Forman


3 ⭐️ - I enjoyed this more than the first book, but JESUS.

“I wanna push her up against this building and hear her bones rattle. I wanna feel her flesh give underneath my hip. I wanna rip her head back and expose her neck. I wanna make her cry and lick away her tears.”

Um…sir. She’s your ex girlfriend who lost her entire family in a car accident. You haven’t spoken to her in several years. You just yanked her off of a train because you had a panic attack and thought people were staring at you (he’s a famous musician) and you yelled at her and told her to shut up and to tell you where she’s taking you because “there’s been enough fucking secrets.”

ALPHAHOLE, much?! I literally stopped what I was doing to listen and went “what the actual fuck is your problem?!”

And at the end of the book - “I let her hold me until I regained my Y-chromosome.” Like…..crying for the first time in three years is the worst thing that could ever happen to you? That it emasculates you to have feelings?

Just….lots of ick in this.

Also - still think there’s a lot of weird word choices for a YA book. ESPECIALLY in the first one or two chapters. Again, with the “churlish.”