A review by breadedbookpages
Invitation to the Blues by Roan Parrish


i received an electronic copy from a novel take pr in exchange for an honest review.

this book deals with a character with depression so a lot of the topics in the book deal with that too.

it's very difficult for me to try and talk about this when it comes to the depression representation but i'll try.

i felt jude's ache. the bits and pieces of how the world kind of closed up on him. how he couldn't even do what he loved anymore. how those feelings came out of nowhere and he felt so bad for having them. i loved that he had good days and bad days and he couldn't separate between them at times and had to be helped. i think what truly affected me was christopher's treatment of jude and how it showed such a big side of christopher's love for jude in this book. i personally have not had a very good experience telling my own family of my depression. and the past months have been so difficult with so many dangerous thoughts going around in my head. but to read about jude and christopher and how this profound balance of how far christopher can and should go to help jude was so heartbreakingly good for me.

i also like that we see so much from faron although jude is the sole narrator in the book. he's the type of person who's difficult to get a read on but he is quite generous with his words, his thoughts, his emotions. i loved the scenes in which they got to know each other, where they were intimate because they felt like they melded into each other in such a perfect way that didn't take from one another. they were separate people but together they became something extraordinary. i was so jealous tbh of jude for having someone like faron but i knew it stemmed from my own wish of wanting that kind of partnership of understanding. they're also quite sweet on each other, they know how to have a good quiet time. i loved the parts where they'd just do things separately but in the same space. it was like sharing comfort together.

the friendships were a big part here as they were in small change too and i loved that daniel and ginger were a key to jude going out more and having friends who aren't kaspar's friends.

sigh i don't want to talk about kaspar. he reminds me too much of my family and how they talked to me about my own depression. it breaks my heart that jude was abused emotionally for so long and how much he internalized it and how it broke him inside even more.

this book reads as a very personal representation and i'm quite honored i got to read it.