A review by jamestomasino
Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings


Some books don't hide the fact that they're going to be epic series. This is certainly one of those. The story barely gets started by the end of the first book, which isn't short by any means. The writing is fair with decent character development. I only had a few major pet peeves, the main one being the way the supplemental characters treat the main character.

The main boy is about 14 years old through the majority of the story, but the other characters treat him like a child of 8 or 9. He is physically washed by his aunt at one point, and he is constantly guarded and scorned for playing with sharp things.

Beyond this, some of the characters seemed a little flat, which I attribute to new-writer syndrome. As this is only the first book in the series, I'm sure the depth of these characters will grow as the story does.