A review by petealdin
Monstrous by Sean Platt, David W. Wright


I read quite a few negative reviews for this novel before purchasing it, but I have to say that overall I enjoyed it. It may be that I purchased the audio book version (Audible) -- which at the time was supercheap -- and that this enhanced the story because of the voice acting. But it held together and kept me interested til the end.

It's a new take (for me anyway) on a morality tale. I winced at the frequent profanity especially when aimed at God, and the constant questioning of the angel and demon got a little repetitive, but yeah, good story, told well.


However, on reaching the cliffhanger ending, I felt that I'd read/heard enough and I won't be getting the sequel. That said, the novel is fine as a standalone and the cliffhanger lent a circularity to the story that I actually found satisfying in itself.