A review by elenap
The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo



I must come to terms with the fact that I cannot replicate the feeling reading the Six of Crows duology gave me 5 years ago. Well not with Leigh Bardugo's books anyway. Yet I keep reading all of them.

This was pretty disappointing. The characters weren't memorable (although ok), the love story was a boring insta-love, and, although I usually love beautiful prose, here it felt forced, like the author had all these words and information she wanted to cram in. But it didn't work. I found myself skipping words and sentences because I just wanted to get it over with.

I didn't DNF, but maybe I should have because the ending was not impressive either. Really surprised it didn't put me in a reading slump. The word I would use to describe all of this would be bland. Which saddens me.

I absolutely loved this cover, but I am glad I didn't buy it. It would have been just a pretty decoration with no substance.