A review by sandrareilly513
The Dead Romantics by Ashley Poston


Florence is trying to live her dreams out in NYC, ghostwriting for a popular romance author as she tries to get her next big break in publishing. But still reeling from a messy ending to a serious relationship, Florence is convinced love is dead. On a tight publishing deadline from her new editor, Benji, she receives a phone call to return home for a family emergency. As she deals with a tragic loss and a strained family relationship, Benji shows up at her door. As a ghost. Florence helps ghosts pass to the "other side" but her and Benji aren't sure what he needs in order to move on. Together, it's possible they learn what it means to love again and that romance isn't dead after all - despite one of them being a ghost.

Thoughts: My review above does this book absolutely no justice. I love the originality of this story -- while it has shades of [b:The Kindred Spirits Supper Club|54802068|The Kindred Spirits Supper Club|Amy E. Reichert|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1596481619l/54802068._SX50_.jpg|85494659], half of the romantic pair being a ghost is certainly something new for me. I enjoyed the banter between Florence and Benji, and I appreciated that they're chemistry was explored from the get-go. There was no hiding of feelings, more like ignoring seeing as they couldn't actually do anything about it. Benji was really sweet (I anticipated him being more standoffish and was pleasantly surprised that he wasn't) and while Florence was guarded it was with good reason. The family dynamics were realistic, and Poston's metaphors and commentaries about life, love, and grief were on-point and so well-written. I thought this was a beautiful book about love and loss, and the romance between Florence and Benji was heartwarming. One of my favorite romances so far in 2022 and I highly recommend for fans of Abby Jiminez, Amy Reichert, TJ Klune, anyone who enjoys unconventional romance.

**Thank you, NetGalley and Berkley Publishing, for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.**