A review by aashley916
Don't Believe Everything You Feel: A CBT Workbook to Identify Your Emotional Schemas and Find Freedom from Anxiety and Depression by Robert L. Leahy


“We are all human and, as such, we need to learn to live with the full range of emotions that have evolved to warn us, protect us, and connect us” - Robert L. Leahy

This title caught my eye because I struggle with anxiety and am always looking for resources to help with it. I’ve read a few books on anxiety and have been disappointed with most, but this book was different. Leahy is straightforward, but writes with empathy and understanding. In this book he shares how anxiety and depression affect the brain, the difference between thoughts and feelings, tips on healthy coping strategies, and constant reminders that discomfort is temporary and that all humans struggle. Leahy also includes helpful case studies and reflection prompts to make his points more meaningful to the reader. This is a book I found helpful and would recommend to anyone who struggles with mental health or has a loved one that they would like to learn how to better support. Thank you @netgalley @newharbinger for this ARC. Don’t Believe Everything You Feel will be released July 1, 2020.