A review by rkking
Contact by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant


 Contact picks up where the previous book in the series, Invasion, left off.
Our group of characters, now minus Meyer, continue to exist within the bunker while the world is in chaos. The invasion happened. The aliens are here. So now what?
That question is what drives most of the plot in this book. And while that mystery begins to venture into some interesting directions (the orbs, psychic abilities of humans, etc), I felt that there was a bit too much of the human drama going on. So much so that it actually pulled away from the more imminent thing going on. You know... the alien invasion???
When the next group of characters are introduced in the bunker, Christopher, Cameron, Terrance, etc, this detraction seems to continue for a good chunk of the book. And unless Lila's baby really does turn out to be something more, this whole subplot is really feeling lame. Yes, interpersonal drama is needed. Of course. And some of that is likely very important to the future of the story (Trevor's views of Piper, for example). But there was just a bit too much going on here where it felt like I was watching an episode of a CW show.
Having said that, Piper's voyage with Cameron was very engaging, and served as a window into the greater world going on. And the cliffhanger ending, while infuriating in a good way, was also powerful and left me wanting to know where this story went next.
Overall, one of the better alien contact series I've read.
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