A review by b_for_book
Horrorama by A.S. Coomer, Lucas Mangum, Matt Harvey


Horrorama is the book version of a horror movie marathon! Horrorama brings you three novelettes reminiscent of those popcorn fueled all-nighters; Grindhouse press describe their releases as horror films from the 60/70’s, where the storylines are completely bonkers, in line with low budget B-grade movies. This is exactly what Horrorama delivers!
This books is made up of three novelettes; all of which are completely strange and totally satisfying! The books is a really quick read and once I got started, I was sucked in and couldn’t put the book down.

“Stor-all self-storage by A.S Coomer”
Richard Dennison, is a night security officer, who lands a new job - with a strange boss and encounters even stranger people who only seem to visit their storage lockers at night. Richard is given one bit of advice - if any thing strange happens - call the police! This was COMPLETELY bonkers but completely fit the brief that Grindhouse Press wanted to achieve, this does read like a low budget movie and I bloody loved it.

“Primitive by Lucas Mangum”
The classic story of old school friends who’ve not seen each other for a while, meet-up and head up the mountain on a camping/hunting trip. I mean - nothing could possibly go wrong....ha! The friends encounter a strange, disheveled woman who is looking for her son.... and of course, there are wolves.... do they all make it back down the mountain? who is this women and what happened to her son? I LOVED THIS STORY! Again, so completely bonkers, fun and I couldn’t stop reading - I really want to watch this as a movie - I’m all here for B-grade horror!

“The Vessel by Matt Harvey”
A cult who are hellbent on reviving their dark god/master thingy.... all they need for this is a body for their master to inhabit... poor Elise Abbington awakes in the night, feeling a little unusual and on a crash course to hell! On her journey, she encounters a “deprogrammer” who is trying to stop this cult from achieving their goal.....but does he succeed or is it too late for Elise? Again, this was fun to read and I loved the strange cult vibes!

Overall, this was like entering a house of horrors from the 80’s! I lapped up the really weird vintage vibes from this book and it completely for me out of my reading slump!