A review by shoaibmnagi
Karachi, You're Killing Me! by Saba Imtiaz


Language is one of mankind's greatest achievement. Its awesomeness lies in its versatility; on one hand you can arrange thousands of words and produce something artistically spectacular like Ulyyses, In Search of Lost Time or Hamlet, and on the other, you can also jumble up and rearrange those words to produce some genuinely awful and mind-numbing horsecrap like this novel.

Truly one of the most awful books I've read in my life, and I say this despite the fact that I've read both Mein Kampf and Atlas Shrugged.

This book was crafted to cater to the hordes of vapid, mediocre masses of population who have dumbed themselves down over time using a steady supply of chick-lit, modern pop music and Buzzfeed. This can be gauged from the fact that this book uses a quote from Bridget Jones' Diary as its epigraph, an omen (in and of itself) of shit to come.

To summarize, 'Karachi, You're Killing Me!' has pulled off the magic troika of pathetic fiction: 1. bad and unimaginative story-line riddled with cliches; 2. horrible and drearily plain use of the English language and 3. getting itself compared to Mein Kampf and Atlas Shrugged (even if it is by someone as unimportant as myself).