A review by jennyfer
Dwarf Story by W.W. Marplot


13yo Arty - science need and believer in logic - finds an axe-wielding Dwarf in the forest in his backyard. While trying to learn the Dwarfs origin, name, language and purpose, he and his friends Emma and Cry find a Spriggan, then a Pixie, and encounter a creepy Man in Brown whose proportions are wrong and seems intent on tracking them.
With a stolen map and the Spriggan's help, they discover the return of the malevolent Gwyllion with plans to turns the suburban neighbourhood into a faerie battleground. The children must navigate the Faerie War that's brewing armed only with their wits in order to save Long Island from destruction.

Dwarf Story is told from the POV of Arty, Emma and occasionally other characters, as the story unfolds. As well as telling the story itself, we are treated to tween squabbles between the characteres and middle school angst, making the characters delightfully real and relatable to the target audience - 9-14yos. The mythology is accessible and there's the perfect balance of wonder, suspense, action and investigation.

This book is a keeper. I'll be buying a hard copy for my kiddo when it hits the shelves.