A review by bibliorama
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
I got 56% through and am tired of it. The writing is more telling than anything else, and for being in first person, Violet is so one note. She starts off antagonistic when Dain first tells her he can get her into the Scribe Quadrant, and she never changes from that note. It would have made so much more sense if *she* asks Dain if he can get her out, and since he's "the rule follower," maybe he can but decides not to. That would be a justifiable betrayal and would make more sense as to why Violet is so mad at him all the time. It also would allow her to have a meaningful shift in opinion when she decides that she wants to be a rider. 

This book also wears its inspirations to openingly. I mean brown to silver hair and lighting abilities. . . Mare Barrow who? If she gave her either lightning or the hair, it'd be whatever, but to give her both characteristics of the main character of another popular YA series is wild to me. 
Also, when Tairn tells Violet to stay with the wing leader and goes, "surely he meant squad leader." That felt very Suriel telling Feyra to stay with the high lord, but whatever, it was already on my nerves at that point, so I'm being nitpicky. 

One of the more infuriating parts is the lack of true horror or ptsd to all the horrible things that are happening around them. Violet is way to chill about watching people get burnt to crisps from dragons. The thing is though, it felt like the author wanted these deaths to be impactful but because of their lack of characterization and lack of Violet's inner monolog thinking about anything other than herself, they fall flat.

This isn't the worst thing I've ever read and it has potential, it just wasn't edited enough to pull that potential out because some small plot changes and a different writing style could have saved it.