A review by lovegirl30
Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes: Stories by Per Petterson


"He held his hands to his face as if to keep his skin in place and for many nights he lay clutching his body, feeling time sweeping through it like little explosions. The palms of his hands were quivering and he tried to resist time and hold it back. But nothing helped, and with every pop, he felt himself getting older. he cried, and said to his mother: 'I don't want to get older. I want to stay like I am now! Six and a half, that's enough, isn't it?"

Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes is a sweet little novella. This book gives us readers various snippets of the life of a boy named Arid, who lives with his parents in the country of Norway in the early 1960s. His father is a man who works in a shoe factory, while his mother is a Danish woman who works as a cleaner. This is life through the eyes of a sensitive and imaginative child.

The book is extremely insightful. Throughout the book, we get triumphs and lows. We learn that Arid wets his bed at night, and has nightmares but also that he is a little boy that is beginning to really piece his world together. He is learning to figure things out. I thought the stories in this book were insightful and poignant. The writing had such a beautiful prose and was super breathtaking.

I am super glad that I picked up this short little book at the library and gave it a read. I can't believe it was only recently translated into English. I will be purchasing a copy for myself to treasure forever. I hope you will check this book.