A review by armandulac
The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan


I will be honest, I have been losing faith in Riordan over the past years, with Blood of Olympus having a not so epic ending and hearing the news about Trials of Apollo. However, this novel did not disappoint. Magnus is a fantastic narrator, with the humor and sass that makes me nostalgic for the PJO books. Riordan manged to intergrate past characters without making them a main point of the novel. He wraps up the book in a very satisfying way, while making the reader want more. I have never known much about Norse mythology, and I find that Riordan does a great job of teaching me and making it a great time.

One of my favorite things Riordan did with this novel was the inclusion of Samirah al-Abbas. She is a strong female charcter who is Muslim! I find this great because it helps younger kids who are surrounded with all of the Muslim hate we have in our cultue to see that we are all just human. Also, she is so far not Magnus's love interest, and she has a very serious crush on the boy she is arranged to marry. Its so refreshing to have the main female character not be the main male character's love interest and I love it.

I will definitely check out the next book, but am wary about what will happen because Riordan is writing two series at the same time. Nevertheless, if you were skeptical that you wouldn't like it because of his recent novels, because Annabeth is in it, or you think you won't like Norse mythology, give it a shot. It will not disappoint and may even make you fall in love with Riordan's writing again!

Also may I just say that I hardcore ship Hearthstone and Blitzen, like oh my god they are so perfect. I can't be the only one.