A review by yusra_s
Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong


““A city reborn is a city traumatized.
It remembers its past, every second that it took to get to this point. It sees the former version of itself and knows that it has changed, its boots no longer fitting, its hats no longer comfortable. The streets trace how they used to sprawl. No matter how it is paved over and reorganized, memories and echoes do not fade away that easily.””

The best as always. I LOVE Chloe Gong’s writing style so much, I could read the most plot-less, slow and boring book by her and still like it. The way she strings together words is just..perfect.

Because the book focuses on politics, it feels a little slow. Not too much because the cliffhangers kept me interested but yeah, I did feel like nothing really big was happening

It wouldve been boring if not for the characters and how they carried the plot. And Oh My God, the romance was something else entirely. Idk what Chloe did but it had me swooning the entire time.

“What is family for if not to love us and then break our hearts?”

I kinda hated her in the start. Didn’t want to forgive her but then I thought, hasn’t she suffered enough? She kept working hard to rectify her mistakes, not forgiving herself. And idk when that hate turned to love for this amazing character but I absolutely loved her no-nonsense attitude and how she was just the right amount of serious.

The best sister everrr. Always so supportive and caring, I loved how Rosalind and Celia didnt let their different teams drive a wedge between them. Those constant letters and updates on their lives that they gave each other were so sweet.

This girl was so full of mischief but smart and mature at the same time, I loved herrrr. (Im stealing her hanna idc)

Soo freaking romantic and just perfect, his words often left me speechless.

“You wanted daffodils at your wedding, and suddenly I wanted to be the one beside you at the altar watching you hold them. I wanted it to be real. I wanted it all to be real.”

He would promise to wander the ends of the earth and find where the sky began if it meant she would keep her hand there, if it meant he could drown out the rest of his frantic fears by focusing on the sound of her voice. She was his guiding saint, the Polaris of his heart.

These are Only twoo from the countless things he said

The Ending
Full of plot twists, I did nott get a break. For two hours straight, I was constantly in shock. It was the best feeling ever.

It was not the plot but the characters that helped me through the first half, after which the storyline started making sense and stuff started happening. So It iss worth a try (especially for Orion). Oh and extra points for that gorgeous cover.

If anyone knows how to extract characters from books, please tell me. PMs are always open. thankss <33