A review by merilizabeth
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher


I chose this book solely based on the title, because it is quite a description about me and other non-believers. I have had suffered through one other book by the same author and only on picking up the book I realized the fact. I still tried to not get myself disappointed before reading it. Well didn't work quite well. Half way through the book all I felt was a disappointment and quite a bit of hate.
The most interesting thin tho is that I am so much like the main character here. And it didn't help to hate myself little less. I still think I would never do such a thing, but frankly I am not so sure anymore. The book turned around for me tho. On the end where David reappeared and the ending was good despite the factors. And the love described here is what we all wish for, it had no boundaries and no time limit. And in the end all we want is some timeless love.