A review by leapearlreads
League of Liars by Astrid Scholte


First thoughts...
Now, now, now...wait just a minute. You cannot just end it there! Why you gotta do us like that?!

Now, the more composed thoughts...
Wow, this book! If you ever wanted to read a more fantastical version of Law & Order, this is totally one to check out. It's this insane mix of fantasy/murder mystery with plenty of unexpected twists throughout. Astrid Scholte has a way of telling these really crazy mashed-up stories and I am completely here for it. The worldbuilding felt seamless, I instantly was engrossed in Telene and it's unique magic, edem, and the court hierarchy.

The story is set up so you get to know each character in their respective chapters and their individual stories as they slowly start to weave together as the mystery unfolds. Creating a greater depth to each character and also adding in more shock-factor for some of their actions later in the book.
"...Turns out, it's hard to talk after your jaw falls off your face and turns to dust." Jey was by far my favorite character! :)

I can definitely see this story as one you either love or hate. There's a lot going on and there's a lot of concepts intertwined into the plot that you have to just hang onto and go with. I personally found it so fun and unique! It held my attention easily from the first chapter, a definite five star read for me! And that cover is just the most eye-catching.

Big thank you to PenguinTeen via NetGalley for the e-ARC to read and honestly review. I cannot wait to see the art that might be included in the finished copy!