A review by alireuter
His Bloody Project: Documents Relating to the Case of Roderick Macrae by Graeme Macrae Burnet


this was such an interesting read, especially from someone who has a history of studying criminology & is a true crime fan. i said that it reminded me of penance by eliza clark & i think that she may have been inspired by the structure & narrative of his bloody project. it’s publication date of 2015 i was surprising to me because it reads like such a modern classic; the integration of criminological theory carried out in the late 1800s reflects the research & care that has been put into the story. although it can drag at places, every moment is integral to understanding the case & trial, causing you to feel somewhat sympathetic towards the offender in his reflective writing of his life. there is a tone of desperation & fear throughout, & i think it’s really interesting that the roddy’s last name shares the author’s which made me question at first if it was fictional or not. perhaps the book is a confession or admission of guilt from burnet’s life, which then explores the literary theories of the death of the author or the moral connection between the writer & their work. i really recommend this book, especially if you are interested in criminal psychology & the process of justice.