A review by timitra
La notte più lunga by Leylah Attar


Mists of the Serengeti was an amazingly brilliant and beautiful story. It was also very painful to read at times not only because parts of it was sad but also because of there were some downright ugly parts that highlighted the worst that humanity has to offer. It was also light hearted, funny and one of the best romances I have had the pleasure of reading.

The characters were well drawn, both main and secondary. I loved that Jack was grumpy and surly. I love those types of heroes. I loved that Rodel was strong and stood up for herself in the face of Jack's initial behaviour towards her. I really enjoyed the evolution that took place within these characters as the book progressed but what I loved the most was watching them fall for each other.

As for the secondary characters I loved Goma the most, I loved how feisty, fierce and ballsy she was. She wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, I loved, loved, loved that about her.

I don't how Leylah Attar does it but she always seems to craft stories (or maybe weaves magic is a better way of putting it) that suck me in from the very first word and doesn't let me until the very last one. I'm not ashamed to say that I neglected quite a few things to devour this book within a few hours, nope not ashamed at all. I have zero regrets about it too. I HIGHLY recommend this book, it's enchanting, it's magical and so very beautiful.

ARC provided by author in exchange for a honest review

F(BR) with my shhlut sisters