A review by andreasromancebooks
Out of the Woods by Hannah Bonam-Young


4.5 ⭐️Sooooo... *wipes tears away*

What is it that Hannah puts in these books? I'm so serious.
I think it must be the whole crying thing that just releases all the chemicals into my tired brain, but her novels make me want to be a better person. That sounded so over the top just now, when I read it back, but I could not mean that more than I do right now. Her books make me want to do more, see more, and feel more, even if it hurts. They make me feel alive in ways very few things do; in ways I sometimes forget exist in my life. It is adrenaline? Idk, but I am hooked!

I'm so thankful and grateful that authors like this are out there, publishing and making the most out of their careers because they so deserve it. From falling in love with a little book called [b:Next of Kin|107525389|Next of Kin (Next, #1)|Hannah Bonam-Young|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675910003l/107525389._SY75_.jpg|95709338] I randomly found some years ago now, to getting selected as an ARC reader for [b:Next to You|107525361|Next to You (Next, #2)|Hannah Bonam-Young|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1675909868l/107525361._SY75_.jpg|96690345], I have followed this author's success and I can confidently say that here is where I will stay.

Much like Caleb's list, this author is one amongst the many, many things on my list of things to die on a hill for lol - on hills to die on? Idk, but you get it. It's 2am as I'm writing this so I may be a bit out of it. But I just needed to finish this book! It was so good! And those last few chapters (where something big happened but I'm not say it so there's no spoilers) but giiiirrrrlllll - I almost had a heart attack- there was no stopping me after that point!

Is it weird to be proud of someone you've never met? Cause it's not like she'll read this, but - Hannah, girl, I am so f**king proud of you! Your writing makes my years better everytime and your stories remind me that there are good people out there, if only we're willing to wait a bit and find them.

To anyone out there who hasn't given this author her fair chance yet... I don't know how else to convince you to do yourselves a favor and pick up -this book or any book- from Hannah Bonam-Young. Truly, some of the best contemporary fiction books out there - in and out of the romance genre, but obviously an outstanding contemporary romance, too.