A review by tbirckhead
Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina


Wow! This was a ride that I wouldn't dare get off. You were right there back in high school along with Piddy enduring the bullying. This book teaches that bullying in to today's society is taken to a new level with addition of social media. In this book a fight takes place and is recorded and publicized for all to see. Not only is the victim embarrassed but she feel like she cannot escape her abuser mentally as well. Also not to mention those bystanders who do not bother to help during the fight. These "girl fights" make me sick to my stomach. Stripping someone of her clothes is not only degrading but its stripping her of her dignity. This is what people look at as entertainment. What is the world coming to. Its as if they are not looking at them as real people. If its not happening to them or anyone they know its doesn't matter? This book is so real! Bullying scars run deep beyond the visual scars. Piddy will always carry this with her, which is sad. How many students carry these scars everyday? We wonder why they are turning to other alternatives to take the pain away. We really need to reevaluate our schools and look at better alternatives for bully prevention at school and at home.